Community Visits

Working with anxiety sufferers over the years, CalmOCD in Sandy Utah, understands that anxiety triggers are everywhere!

Therapists in Sandy + Salt Lake Utah can meet patients in settings where OCD has made it nearly impossible for them to function or live normally without overwhelming anxiety. Often, patients have spent years avoiding the triggers within the environment so the therapist can offer support during these challenging situations by providing therapy sessions outside of the typical office setting.


CalmOCD in Sandy Utah, will help families devise a plan to respond to their loved ones in a supportive way without participating in their OCD.

There is so much value in these experiences because patients have a therapist to walk them through the exposure experience and offer reminders of how to respond to their obsessions and how to cope with increasing anxiety. Having a therapist there the first few times of exposure can help the OCD sufferer gain confidence in facing things they have been avoiding, and in turn, will demonstrate they can conquer them.


CalmOCD in Sandy + Salt Lake Utah, can meet patients in a variety of settings within the community. Below is a list of common community exposure examples:

  • Petsmart- reptile type exposures
  • Bank- fear of doing something wrong exposures
  • The mall or shopping plazas- contamination exposures, social anxiety exposures, emotional contamination exposures, harm exposures, panic exposures, homosexual exposures, pedophile exposures, fear of stealing exposures, etc.
  • Grocery shopping- contamination exposures, social anxiety exposures, emotional contamination, harm exposures, panic exposures, pedophile type exposures, etc.
  • Park- harm exposures, pedophile exposures, contamination exposures
  • Home Depot- chemical exposures, harm exposures
  • Library- contamination exposures, harm exposures, social anxiety exposures
  • Driving- harm exposures, fear of the worst happening, fear of forgetting their destination
  • Restaurants- contamination exposures, fear of choking exposures, emetophobia, social anxiety
  • Churches- scrupulosity exposures
  • Schools- social anxiety exposures, fear of something bad happening, emetophobia, fear of judgment, perfectionism
  • The workplace- social anxiety exposures, fear of something bad, judgment, harm exposures

Ready to Start Your Healing Journey?

If interested, please follow the steps below! Due to the high volume of inquiries please allow 48 hours for a response.


Submit an online inquiry


You will receive a response from CalmOCD within 48 hours and a 15 minute complimentary consultation will be scheduled

Intake Session

If CalmOCD seems to be a good fit based on your individual needs, an intake session will be scheduled.