“I have worked with Stephanie Clymer and CalmOCD over the past year and some, and I can confidently say that my life has been completely changed. I've taken careful consideration into creating a testimonial as I tend to get ahead of myself when I'm excited, but the quality of my life has been improved so substantially that it cannot be denied.

I came to CalmOCD with low confidence in myself, drowning in the never-ending loops of compulsive behavior and intrusive thought patterns; I now stand as an OCD stonemason, with a full toolkit and knowhow to craft the life I've always desired.
It's not like magic. It takes some hard work, and you'll have to learn how to have faith in the process, but it is unmistaken that CalmOCD has skilled professionals who know how to achieve long term permanent results as opposed to applying band-aids to scratches as they pop up.

My OCD wasn't erased. I was taught how to coexist with, and thrive despite it. I have mental fortitude and security that I forgot were achievable.

CalmOCD gets to know you and takes you seriously. Stephanie Clymer took the time to get to know me and the unique struggles I faced with my OCD symptoms. I felt comfortable and could be vulnerable about what I was going through.
It is my hope and prayer that my testimonial can set another's journey to recovery in motion, because hope is worth having. It paid off in full. ”
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